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Sponsor 贊助商

Event Info 賽事簡介

Event Name : CNY Dragon Tour 

Event Date : Feb 12, 2024 (Monday) 

Location : Tai Tam Country Park 

Distance : Dragon 28 (28 km) & Dragon 23 (23km) 

Start Time : 08:00 (Dragon 28) & 08:30 (Dragon 23) 

Time Limit : 8 hours (Dragon 28) & 7.5 hours (Dragon 23) 



地點: 大潭郊野公園 

賽程:龍28 (28 km) 及 龍23  (23km) 

起步時間:上午8時正 (龍28) 及 上午8時30分 (龍23)   

限時:8小時 (龍 28) 及 7.5小時 (龍 23)  

Course 比賽路線

Dragon 28(28km): Mt Parker Road Observation Deck (Start) > Quarry Pass > Mt Parker Road > Tai Tam Reservoir Road > Violet Hill > Tze Kong Bridge > The Twins Catch Water > The Twins > Tze Kong Bridge > Violet Hill Path > Jardine’s Lookout > Siu Ma Shan > Sir Cecil’s Ride > Quarry Bay Tree Walk > Mt Parker Road Observation Deck (Finish)

Dragon 23(23km): Mt Parker Road Observation Deck (Start) > Quarry Pass > Mt Parker Road > Tai Tam Reservoir Road > Violet Hill > Tze Kong Bridge > Violet Hill Path > Jardine’s Lookout > Siu Ma Shan > Sir Cecil’s Ride > Quarry Bay Tree Walk > Mt Parker Road Observation Deck (Finish) 

龍28 ( 28公里 ):柏架山道觀景台(起點) > 大風坳 > 柏架山道 > 大潭水塘道 > 紫羅蘭山 > 紫崗橋 > 孖崗山引水道  > 孖崗山 > 紫崗橋 > 紫羅蘭山徑 > 渣甸山 > 小馬山 > 金督馳馬徑 > 鰂魚涌樹木研習徑 > 柏架山道觀景台(終點)

龍23 ( 23公里 ):柏架山道觀景台(起點) > 大風坳 > 柏架山道 > 大潭水塘道 > 紫羅蘭山 > 紫崗橋 > 紫羅蘭山徑 > 渣甸山 > 小馬山 > 金督馳馬徑 > 鰂魚涌樹木研習徑 > 柏架山道觀景台(終點) 

Location, closing time and supplies of the CP:

Start:Mt Parker Road Observation Deck

         Supplies:Water, jam bread and small cakes.

CP1:Tai Tam Reservoir Road Barbecue Area 1   

     Dragon 28:09:30 close 

     Dragon 23:10:00 close

         Supplies:Water, energy drinks, coke, bananas, oranges, jam bread, sweet potatoes, small cakes and egg rolls.

CP2:Tai Tam Reservoir Road Barbecue Area 1   

     Dragon 28:13:00 close 

     Dragon 23:12:30 close

         Supplies:Water, energy drinks, coke, bananas, oranges, jam bread, sweet potatoes, small cakes and egg rolls.

Finish:Mt Parker Road Observation Deck

     Dragon 28:16:00 close 

     Dragon 23:16:00 close

         Supplies:Water, coke, cup noodles, fish balls, siu mai, beef balls, bananas, oranges, jam bread, sweet potatoes, small cakes and egg rolls. 





  龍28:09:30 關閉 

  龍23:10:00 關閉 



  龍28:13:00 關閉 

  龍23:12:30 關閉 



  龍28:16:00 關閉 

  龍23:16:00 關閉 


How to get to the starting point of the event:

As the starting point of the event is located on a restricted area on Mount Parker Road where vehicles (including taxis) are not allowed, participants can only walk to the starting point. Here is the route from Exit A of Quarry Bay MTR Station to the starting point:

(The walking time is approximately 25 minutes.)




1. 鰂魚涌港鐵站A出口起步

2. 沿英皇道(向太古城方向)步行400米

3. 右轉進入柏架山道 

4. 沿柏架山道步行1400米到達起點 



Download GPX file


龍28 (28km)

Download GPX file


龍23 (23km)

Categories 組別 

Dragon 龍 28 (28km)

Male A  男子A組:18-38

Male B  男子B組:39-45

Male C  男子C組:46-52

Male D  男子D組:53-59

Male E  男子E組:60 +

Female A  女子A組:18-39

Female B  女子B組:40-49

Female C  女子C組:50 +

Mixed team:one male and one female, age is not limited.


Dragon 龍 23 (23km)

Male A  男子A組:18 - 39

Male B  男子B組:40 - 49

Male C  男子C組:50+

Female A  女子A組:18 - 39

Female B  女子B組:40 - 49

Female C  女子C組:50+

There is no mixed team for Dragon 23

龍 23 不設隊際

Awards 獎項

Each participant is entitled to receive a race tee or vest of their choice. 

(Participants can freely choose their preferred option during registration.) 



Event Entry 報名辦法


Entry Fees 參賽費用

Dragon 龍 28 ── $360

Dragon 龍 23 ── $280

Mixed team for Dragon 龍 28 混合隊際 ── $720/Team







非本地選手如未能在 3/2 及 4/2 期間到沙木尼山用品領取選手包,可於比賽當天07:15 前到起點領取。 

Collecting Race Pack:

Date: 3rd to 4th February 2024 

Time: 1:00pm to 8:00pm

Shop: Chamonix Alpine Equipment

Address: 2/F, Pak Po Lee Commercial Centre, 1A Sai Yeung Choi Street South, Mongkok, Kowloon

If you need your friend to pick up the Race Pack for you, please send the confirmation letter to him/her and ask him/her to collect it.

Non-local participants who are unable to collect their Race Packs at the Chamonix Alpine Equipment from Feb 3rd to Feb 4th can collect them at the starting point before 07:15 on the day of the race.

Rules  賽事規則


Mandatory Equipment​

Race Postponement, Suspension and Stopping policy 

a) suspend the races until the severe weather condition passes, or 

b) abandon a particular race if the severe weather condition is going to delay the race to an extent that there is not enough time to hold an event.





a) 暫停賽事直至天氣好轉,或

b) 賽事被暫停至無法在合理及許可時間內完成時,停止賽事。
