Sponsor 贊助商
Event Info 賽事簡介
Event Name:
CNY Snake Tour 2025
Event Date:
Jan 31, 2025
Event Center:
Pak Tam Chung PHAB Site
Start Point:
Pak Tam Chung Family Walk ( 240 meters away from the Event Center )
Snake 27 (27 km) &
Snake 18 (18 km)
Start Time:
09:00(Snake 27)&
09:30(Snake 18)
Time Limit:
8 hours ( Snake 27 ) &
7.5 hours ( Snake 18 )
北潭涌家樂徑 ( 距離賽事中心240米 )
蛇 27(27 km)及
蛇 18(20 km)
上午9時正(蛇 27)及
上午9時30分(蛇 18)
8 小時 ( 蛇 27 ) 及
7.5 小時 ( 蛇 18 )
Location and closing time of the CP (Revised):
CP1:Shui Long Wo
Snake 27 11:15 close
CP2:Pak Tam Au
Snake 18 13:00 close
Snake 27 14:00 close
Finish:Pak Tam Chung PHAB Site
Snake 18 17:00 close
Snake 27 17:00 close
檢查站地點及關門時間 (修訂):
蛇27 11:15 關閉
蛇18 13:00 關閉
蛇27 14:00 關閉
蛇18 17:00 關閉
蛇27 17:00 關閉
Food Supply 食物補給
Categories 組別
Snake 蛇 27 (27km)
Male A 男子A組:18 - 39
Male B 男子B組:40 - 45
Male C 男子C組:46 - 49
Male D 男子D組:50 - 55
Male E 男子E組:56 - 59
Male F 男子F組:60+
Female A 女子A組:18 - 39
Female B 女子B組:40 - 46
Female C 女子C組:47 - 52
Female D 女子D組:53 +
Mixed team:one male and one female, age is not limited.
Snake 蛇 18 (18km)
Male A 男子A組:18 - 39
Male B 男子B組:40 - 45
Male C 男子C組:46 - 49
Male D 男子D組:50 - 55
Male E 男子E組:56 - 59
Male F 男子F組:60+
Female A 女子A組:18 - 39
Female B 女子B組:40 - 46
Female C 女子C組:47 - 52
Female D 女子D組:53 +
There is no mixed team for Snake 18.
蛇18 不設隊際
Awards 獎項
The top five male and female participants in the Snake 27 will receive tournament trophies.
Snake 27 and Snake 18, the top 3 in the age group of male and female will receive awards.
The top five mixed teams in the Snake 27 will receive team trophies.
The remaining participants who complete the competition within the time limit will be awarded a completion trophy .
The mixed team's score will be calculated based on the last team member who crosses the finish line.
The mixed team's score will not be included in the top five or age group rankings.
The top five male and female participants in the Snake 27 will not be included in the age group rankings.
The CNY Snake Tour 2025 is an ITRA and UTMB accredited event. Finisher can earn 1 point in the ITRA and also receive UTMB points.
蛇 27 男女子全場首5名分別獲得獎座
蛇 27 和 蛇 18 男女子年齡組別首3名獲獎座
蛇 27 混合隊際首5名獲得隊際獎座
蛇 27 男女子全場首5名不計算入年齡組別
「蛇初三越野賽2025」 是 ITRA 及 UTMB 認可的賽事,完成賽事可獲取 ITRA 1 分 及 UTMB 指數。
Each participant is entitled to receive a race tee or vest of their choice.
(Participants can freely choose their preferred option during registration.)
ATOM running vest 跑步背心
所有蛇初三的參賽者均可以選手優惠價加購 ATOM 品牌的跑步背心。
Tilt up the glass and forget all the stress!
Have you ever felt like you have Run through Hell after doing a couple of interval runs? Running is one of the ways to feel alive! After the exhausting run, it’s just like bringing joy and happiness to the boring dead soul. Our founder, HK Western calligrapher Tammy @Tamigraphy, who designed a piece with the Hong Kong Orchid Tree drawn next to a skull to represent this feeling, and hats off to all the runners in Hong Kong!
奮力向前跑,創造出屬於自己的跑道,跑出自己的 Fast Lane。
Come in a hurry, go in a rush. In this life, instead of letting the world lead you by the nose, it's better to find the right direction and run on your own. Run forward with all your might, create your own track, and run your own Fast Lane.
採用日系服飾索繩設計,束起crop top自由選擇。
The latest Sakura Blossom collection for the ladies!
Hong Kong trail famous “lies” - “The finish line is always right round at the corner”
Those who have said this are those who must have heard before… well… we are also the victims…
To “praise” this classic HK way of saying, ATOM Running has created this design “Just 5 more minutes! Right round the corner!”
Well… Beware of these “liars” hikers and trail runners… or you can steal a march on them with this sleeveless shirt!
Event Entry 報名辦法
Registration quota is full
Entry Fees
Snake 27 ── $390
Snake 18 ── $330
Mixed team for Snake 27 ── $780/Team
蛇 27 ── $390
蛇 18 ── $330
蛇 27 混合隊際 ── $780/隊
Collecting Race Pack:
Applicable for participants who registered before Jan 20 (17:00) :
Date: 25th to 26th Jan 2025
Time: 1:00pm to 7:00pm
Shop: Chamonix Alpine Equipment
Address: 2/F, Pak Po Lee Commercial Centre, 1A Sai Yeung Choi Street South, Mongkok, Kowloon
If you need your friend to pick up the Race Pack for you, please send the confirmation letter to him/her and ask him/her to collect it.
Non-local participants who are unable to collect their Race Packs at the Chamonix Alpine Equipment from Jan 25th to Jan 26th can collect them at the event center before 08:15 on the day of the race.
Applicable for participants who registered after Jan 20 (17:00) :
Date: Jan 31, 2025 (Race Day)
Time: Before 8:15am
Place: Pak Tam Chung PHAB Site (Event Centre)
適用於 1月20日下午5:00 前報名的參賽者:
非本地選手如未能在25/1-26/1期間到沙木尼登山用品領取選手包,可於比賽當天08:15 前到賽事中心領取。
適用於 1月20日下午5:00 後報名的參賽者:
地點:北潭涌傷健樂園 (賽事中心)
Rules 賽事規則
Stay on marked course. No shortcuts allowed.
Runners must finish the race using their own power and are not allowed to have pacers. They may only receive support from their support teams at the checkpoints.
Number bibs and chips cannot be transferred to others.
Racing Bibs must be visible to race marshals.
Respect the beautiful HK Country Parks. Strictly no littering allowed; any runners caught littering will be disqualified.
Participants should prioritize their own safety as well as the safety of others, and should be mindful and considerate of other users at all times during the event.
All cutoff times, unless otherwise announced officially, are straightly observed.
If a runner needs to quit the race midway, they must call the organizer (Phone number: 59512312) or inform the checkpoint (CP) staff and arrange their own transportation to the finish line to collect their belongings.
If there is any dispute or complaint, it must be reported to the organizer within one hour after the participant completes the race, along with relevant evidence. The decision of the organizer is final and there is no appeal mechanism.
CP staff would exert the right to stop a runner’s race if the runner’s condition is deemed unfit to continue. CP staff’s decisions are considered final. If an emergency evacuation is required, the runner would be responsible for paying for such service. Insurance policy covering emergency evacuation is strongly recommended.
Recommended Equipment
Working Mobile Phone with HK Signal reception
Personal water flask / Personal cup
Emergency food
No receipt service.
The conference has luggage storage (not responsible for any property loss).
Participants need to have sufficient training and rest before the competition, and pay attention to their own physical condition. If they feel unwell, they should not force themselves to compete.
The activity does not include any personal insurance. Participants are responsible for their own safety.
Once your registration is confirmed, no refunds will be provided.
The organizer reserves the right to use any photographs or videos of participants taken by the event photographer. These images may be used for promotional purposes by the organizer, including (but not limited to) websites, social media, newsletters, or media releases. The images and videos may also be shared with third parties and event sponsors for their promotional purposes.
For the safety of all participants, it is recommended that all participants download the HKSOS mobile application before the race and use it during the event.
The organizer reserves the rights to amend the rules and regulations without prior notice.
跑手需以自身力量完成賽事,不允許陪跑,只可於檢查站接受支援隊伍補給 。
參賽者需要在賽前有足夠的訓練及休息,並留意個人的身體狀況, 如身體不適,切勿強行出賽。