Sponsor 贊助商

Event Info 賽事簡介

The MacLehose Trail is the longest hiking trail in Hong Kong, spanning 100 km and divided into 10 sections. The third to eighth sections are considered the most challenging, with a total elevation gain of 3200 m, earning them the nickname“Double Au”among hikers. Due to their formidable nature, the Double Au sections have become a testing ground for various long-distance trail races. Participants who conquer this segment demonstrate their ability to take on races of 100 km.

The purpose of the“MacLehose Trail Warm-up Race”is to provide hikers preparing for longer trail races with an opportunity to warm up. In addition to individual categories, the race also offers four-person and two-person team divisions, allowing for on-course support personnel and facilitating practical training in teamwork and resupply assistance. Furthermore, We have specially scheduled the event to start at 2:00 pm, enabling participants to experience the challenges of competing at night. 

Event Name :  MacLehose Trail Warm-up Race 2024

Event Date : Oct 5-6, 2024 (Saturday- Sunday) 

Start:Pak Tam Chung PHAB Site

Finish: Rotary Park Tsuen Kam Au

Distance : 56 km

Start Time : Oct 5  14:00

Time Limit : 18 hours  



比賽名稱:麥徑熱身賽 2024

比賽日期:2024年10月5 – 6日(星期六 - 日)



距離:56 km 

起步時間:10月5日  14:00


Course 比賽路線

(Start) Pak Tam Chung PHAB Site > Pak Tam Road > Pak Tam Au > MacLehose Trail Stage 3 – 8 >  Rotary Park Tsuen Kam Au (Finish) 

(起點) 北潭涌傷健樂園 > 北潭路 > 北潭凹 > 麥理浩徑3 – 8段 > 荃錦坳扶輪公園 (終點)

Location, closing time of the CP:

Start: Pak Tam Chung PHAB Site   Oct 5  14:00

CP1: Shui Long Wu   Oct 5  17:30

CP2: Gilwell Campsite   Oct 5  22:00

CP3: Beacon Hill   Oct 6  00:30

CP4: Smuggler’s Pass (Golden Hill Road)   Oct 6  02:00

CP5: Lead Mine Pass   Oct 6  05:00

Finishing Point: Rotary Park Tsuen Kam Au   Oct 6  08:00 


起點:北潭涌傷健樂園  10月5日  14:00

檢查站1:水浪窩  10月5日  17:30

檢查站2:基維爾營地  10月5日  22:00

檢查站3:畢架山  10月6日  00:30

檢查站4:金山路近走私坳路口  10月6日  02:00

檢查站5:鉛礦坳  10月6日  05:00

終點:荃錦坳  10月6日  08:00 

Categories 組別 

Team of 4 (Men)  男子4人組

Team of 4 (Women)  女子4人組

Team of 4 (Mixed)  混合4人組

Team of 2 (Men)  男子2人組

Team of 2 (Women)  女子2人組

Team of 2 (Mixed)  混合2人組

Individual Male A  男子個人A組:18-35

Individual Male B  男子個人B組:36-49

Individual Male C  男子個人C組:50+

Individual Female A  女子個人A組:18-35

Individual Female 女子個人B組:36-49

Individual Female C  女子個人C組:50+ 

Additionally, there will be a category for team of 4 with a total age of 220 or above, and a category for team of 4 with a total age of 120 or below. All team of 4 that meet the respective age restrictions will automatically compete in one of these categories simultaneously without affecting their original category awards.


Awards 獎項

1.   The number of awards for each category, excluding the 220+ and 120- categories, is as follows:

     1-3 individuals/teams : 1 award

     4-6 individuals/teams : 2 awards

     7-39 individuals/teams : 3 awards

     40-49 individuals/teams : 4 awards

     50-59 individuals/teams : 5 awards

     60-69 individuals/teams : 6 awards

     70-79 individuals/teams : 7 awards

     80+ individuals/teams : 8 awards

2.  220+ and 120- categories : 1 award

3.  The remaining participants who complete the competition within the time limit will receive a completion award.

4.  “MacLehose Trail Warm-up Race 2024” is an event accredited by both ITRA and UTMB, which allows participants to obtain 3 ITRA points and UTMB Index.


1.  所有組別除220+及120- 組別外,獎項數目如下:

     1-3人/隊: 1個

     4-6人/隊: 2 個

     7-39人/隊: 3 個

     40-49人/隊: 4 個

     50-59人/隊: 5 個

     60-69人/隊: 6 個

     70-79人/隊: 7 個

     80+人/隊: 8 個

2.  220+及120- 組別: 各1個 

3.  其餘參賽者在限時內完成比賽可獲完賽紀念品 

4.  「麥徑熱身賽2024」 是 ITRA 及 UTMB 認可的賽事,可獲取 ITRA 3 分 及 UTMB 指數

Each participant is entitled to receive a race tee or vest of their choice.

(Participants can freely choose their preferred option during registration.) 



Event Entry 報名辦法


Register now

Entry Fees 參賽費用 

Individual 個人:$680

Team of 2  二人隊:$1280 / team 隊

Team of 4  人隊:$2480 / team 隊

Rules  賽事規則


Mandatory Equipment

Race Postponement, Suspension and Stopping policy 

a) suspend the races until the severe weather condition passes, or 

b) abandon a particular race if the severe weather condition is going to delay the race to an extent that there is not enough time to hold an event.




a) 暫停賽事直至天氣好轉,或

b) 賽事被暫停至無法在合理及許可時間內完成時,停止賽事。
